Our planet is called ‘The Blue Planet’ for a reason.

With 71% of its surface covered in water and the oceans holding 98.6% of all the Earth’s water, it is wonderful that there is a special day dedicated just to our oceans. World Oceans Day is celebrated every year on the 8th of June.

Our oceans are important for various reasons. First and foremost they create most of the oxygen we breathe. The oceans also regulate our climate, they clean the water we drink, and the organisms that inhabit them help create a lot of our medicines. Well, let’s not forget that oceans also provide us with most of the fish that we consume.

Protecting our oceans and the marine life within is important for our health and the health of the Earth. Read on for 3 ways you can celebrate World Oceans Day.

Eat Sustainably Caught Fish

There are various fishing techniques and some techniques catch more fish at a time but can result in capturing unintended species. It could also result in injuring and death of many sea creatures, some of which are already endangered. Hence, switching to more sustainable methods like pole and line, troll, purse seine, and more could be better for the ocean and environment. 

Avoid Single-Use Plastics

The greatest threat to ocean health, worldwide, is due to plastic pollution. There are many ways in which one can reduce ocean plastic pollution. One of the easiest ways is to avoid single-use plastic like disposable water bottles, straws, cups, lids, utensils, and bags. 

Appreciate the Ocean

This World Oceans Day, take time to appreciate your connection with the ocean. It is time to consider the many benefits that a healthy ocean provides. Our deepest connection with the ocean is through the air we breathe—more than half of the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere is produced by marine plants. Spend some time near the ocean and reflect on your connection with it, and stay inspired to continue working towards healthier oceans. 

A healthy ocean can also be a reason for your healthy well-being. One of the many medicines that humans get from sea organisms is Omega 3, made out of fish oil, and Superba Krill Oil, extracted from the Antarctic krill species Euphausia Superba. Just like Rawleigh’s Cardio Results Omega III Fish Oil and Krill Oil (Superba). Check it out on our website!