Have you heard of the age old adage “women tend to live longer than men”? Men can be notorious for avoiding the doctor & ignoring many symptoms that they face on a daily basis. It’s never good to let complacency take a toll on your health.

To power your body, it’s essential to have a wide scope of nutrients in the right balance. A healthy diet can give you just that. Truth be told, many studies show that eating nutrient-rich food varieties & taking supplements regularly is one of the better ways to improve overall health & well-being while also reducing the risk of sickness. 

Here is a quick summary of the significant nutrients that men need -

Vitamin D
Every time you move your muscles, it uses vitamin D. Moreover, this vitamin keeps your immunity strong & assists your body in absorbing calcium. Great sources of vitamin D are milk & greasy fish. There are even a few brands of cereal, squeezed orange, yogurt & soy drinks apart from taking supplements that contain vitamin D.

You may read a lot about ladies taking folate, however, men need it just as much! To utilize protein, produce DNA & form healthy red blood cells, your body needs folate also known as folic acid & folacin. This B vitamin additionally may help with forestalling unhealthy changes in sperm that are connected to chromosomal anomalies in children. Great sources of folate can be spinach, brussels sprouts, asparagus, beans, nuts & liver.

It’s integral for men to have enough zinc in their diet. Many men who follow vegetarian diets especially often come up short on zinc. This mineral helps your body produce proteins, fight infections & heal wounds. Good sources of zinc are red meat, seafood (especially oysters) & poultry. Beans & whole grains may provide some amount of zinc, however, it may not be observed as well as the zinc in meat. Observational studies even show that low zinc status or deficiency is associated with low testosterone levels, poor sperm quality & an increased risk of male infertility. Also, taking zinc supplements increases testosterone levels & sperm count in those men who are low in zinc.

To improve blood fat levels & skin health in general, it’s important to have niacin. A daily dose of Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, improves erectile function in men suffering from high cholesterol, a new study has found. The results show that amongst the 80 men who took niacin & began the study with moderate or severe erectile dysfunction or ED reported a marked improvement in their ability to maintain an erection.

Men, it’s important that you don’t compromise on your health. Kickstart your healthy lifestyle with WT Rawleigh’s V Power Plus which comprises essential nutrients that enhance your overall health, fertility, and potency. Choose the best for your health today!